Write Legalism in a Sentence

(23) Their asceticism degenerated into legalism, their claim to the monopoly of pure Christianity made them arrogant. (46) Consequently, the piety of the Apostolic Fathers is based on a new type of legalism, known to the new authors as moralism, although Ignatius is quite exempt from it, while Polycarp and Barnabas are less under his influence than Didache, Clement, the Homilist and Hermas. (69) Here are 100 fantastic examples of phrases and phrases with the word « legalism ». (80) « legalism »: definitions of legalism. Surely there are still words you don`t know. But if you yourself learn whole sentences with « legalism » instead of the word « legalism », you can learn much faster! (38) You did not learn the Bible as a fundamentalist. They learned from fragments of Old Testament legalism mixed with Nietzschean behaviorism and ethics. (33) They are brutal and relentless murderers who do not deserve the legalism of international conventions, the United States. Government Claims. (1) The first part deals with the general analysis of fiscal legalism. (43) The post-exile book can therefore be grouped with another Midrash, the Book of Ruth, which also seems to represent a current of thought opposed to the exclusive spirit of Jewish legalism. Is it altruistic and impartial justice, the high legalism of the Golden Rule, that would be the way of the humanist? (41) Priests were able to construct a new identity and religion that emphasized the sin of the people and the need for ritual purity, ritual observance, and legality as a means of returning to God. (86) Define « legalism » in one sentence, define « legalism » in one word.

(16) Religious legalism errs in the Gospel in the desire and strength to observe the law in the Christian life. (41) The priests were able to construct a new identity and religion that emphasized the sin of the people and the need for ritual purity, ritual observance, and legalism as a means of returning to God. (43) The book, which is post-exile, can therefore be grouped with another midrash, the Book of Ruth, which also seems to represent a current of thought opposed to the exclusive spirit of Jewish legalism. (86) Define « legalism » in one sentence, define « legalism » in one word. (45) 3 If one tends to acquire too narrow a view of Jewish legalism, all the experience of later history through the heroic age of the Maccabees and beyond proves that the smallness of the ritual procedure could not cling to the heart. (56) The best definition of « legalism » I have heard so far. (22) Less often, it is questioned whether this rise in legalism is good or bad for global prosperity and stability. (55) This may seem like a simple question, but the meaning of the word « legalism » can become slippery.

5. Peter`s legalism, however, led him to have Cornelius and the others in his household.50 In the same spirit, under the revitalizing influence of ancient philosophy (with which he was imperfectly familiar and whose relationship with Christianity he extravagantly misunderstood), he argues that the ancient Greek moralists, who instilled an altruistic love of the good—and thus implicitly the love of God as the greatest good—were really more. closer to Christianity than to Judaism. Legalism was. (48) As an Eastern work of an Eastern people, the moral and spiritual influence of the Talmud rests on its connection with a history that appealed to imagination and feelings, on its heterogeneity of content adapted to all moods and minds, and on the unifying and regulating effects of its legalism. He continues: « Therefore, we must try to live our lives according to these commandments. Such behavior is not legalism. Legalism is a slavish observance of the law in the belief that it deserves merit. The legalist gets his religion second-hand, mixed with non-divine elements.

This legalism was accompanied by a spirit of intense exclusivity and a narrow-minded clergyman. (3) Jesus did not teach legalism and Paul did not teach antinomianism. (40) The second path is that traced by the priestly prophet Ezekiel, and it is that of legalism which should ensure a permanent place in the life and literature of the Jewish people. (21) 21) The apostle found in many of them dishonest negligence due to discord and the rise of legalism. (27) It has been made nonsense or legality for anyone to worry about what we see, hear, touch or eat. (24) Rigid legalisms go hand in hand with endemic illegality, and a vibrant private sector coexists with a sclerotic state. – The word « legalism » in the example sentences. – « Legalism » in one sentence. – How to use « legalism » in one sentence. – 10 examples of « legalism » sentences – 20 examples of simple « legalism » sentences (11) Confucianism and legalism are responsible for creating the world`s first meritocracy.

(65) « Legalism » in one sentence (especially good sentences such as quotes, proverbs…). To further illustrate what legalism can look like, R.C. Sproul describes three forms of legalism. (You might call this doorstep legalism.) Other people run away from the gospel and try to save themselves by breaking the rules, doing what they want, developing their own autonomous standards, etc. (you might call this disguised legalism). (54) If you had to explain to someone who is learning English what « legalism » is, what would you say? Again, there is no real communication without sentences. If you only read words now, you would not be able to understand at all what I told you. Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article on legalism 15. Where it exists, justice is much more fluid and intuitive than boring legalism. [16] Religious legalism belies the desire and power of the Gospel to preserve the law in the Christian life.

4. Peter was a classical Jew, buried in the law and its inherent legalism.9 was forced to leave his freedom and return to the prison of legalism.17 1Imperative without reference – leads to legalism, to self-rescue efforts, Paul is a moralist.